Vaccines are the new engine of the pharmaceutical industry

Vaccines are becoming the engine of the pharmaceutical industry.   When they tell you that the pharmaceutical companies earn more on drugs (i.e. on treating the sick rather than vaccinating them), tell them that the Italian Competition Authority itself has said: “The profitability of the vaccine sector – and in particular of the companies mentioned […]

GSK tested HIV drugs on orphans. The story of the Guinea kid pigs

Has GSK tested HIV drugs on orphans? GlaxoSmithKline ended up in a scandal in which children and teenagers, taken from the Incarnation Children’s Centre in New York, were used as “laboratory guinea pigs”. Orphan children from three months upwards have been used as mice in the testing of potentially toxic drugs sponsored by the pharmaceutical […]

Big Pharma cares for money, that’s all.

Can we define pharmaceutical companies as mere multinationals? Their only objective is profit. Make money. Take the example of Glaxo. Over 30 billion euros per year. Both nationally and nationally, this extreme round of money has now become a business. It is not wrong to think that there is agreement to have common results in […]

Nuvaring for life and death

One of the most advertised drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, we are talking about the vaginal ring produced by Merck, Nuvaring. After the Vioxx, another treat on the New Jersey company. How much have Merck earned in recent years from the sales of this drug? 623 million in 2011, 686 million in 2013, 723 million […]

Studi medicina? La tua empatia è a rischio!

Parliamo di uno studio del 2009, primo firmatario lo psicologo Mohammadreza Hojat   Il diavolo è al terzo anno: uno studio longitudinale sulla perdita di empatia nelle facoltà di Medicina     Si parla sempre di empatia, di quella capacità di immedesimarsi negli altri e percepire quelle emozioni come tue, e di come un medico […]

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